Quantum battery explained in Hindi ; Quantum battery क्या है??🤔🤔 - buyndb.com

Quantum battery explained in Hindi ; Quantum battery क्या है??🤔🤔

The Gyan Tv
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Hey Guys ; In this video we will be discussing more about Quantum battery.Quantum battery is the idea of Canadian scientists,according to them they are going to make a battery which didn’t need to charge it means if you charged it once you can use it whole of your life. This seems too much attractive but also feels like impossible.But we are humans and we had done many things possible which seemed impossible at a time.So I can surely say that we will be able to make such type of batteries soon.

Quantum battery is based on quantum mechanics effects and it will be infinite source of energy.we are very close to create a world like sci fic movies.

Watch the full video for more detail of Quantum battery

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#QuantumBattery #QuantumPhysics