Part-1: Online event to highlight opportunities to tackle COP26 challenges. -

Part-1: Online event to highlight opportunities to tackle COP26 challenges.

DSM Network
Views: 174
Online event to highlight opportunities to tackle COP26 issues. Presented by ECRs (Early Career Researchers)
Speakers- Caaisha Warsame (LSBU), Iraj Pariz (LSBU), Ali Tousi (Cranfield University), Sara Hawi (Cranfield University), Nestor Sanchez Arriaga (University of Sheffield), Syed Mehade Hussain (LSBU), Kartikeya Parmar (LSBU), Dominic Shore (The University of Manchester), Jonathan Bean (University of Cambridge), Tasnuva Khaleque (LSBU), Nirmal Kumar (LSBU), Kirthika Subramanian (LSBU)