Inside China's Nuclear Battery Breakthrough -

Inside China’s Nuclear Battery Breakthrough

Dr Ben Miles
Views: 227556
Like: 4692
Betavolt made the headlines with a coin-sized nuclear battery capable of delivering power for an impressive duration of 50 years. Let’s look at Betavolt’s claim, assess its practicality in real-world scenarios, and explore the ways it could redefine energy consumption and device operation over the long term.

Solid state Battery

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#nuclearbattery #breakthrough #betavolt #physics #science

00:00 The Nuclear battery that produces power for 50 years
1:10 Nuclear Physics 101
2:24 The History of Nuclear Batteries
3:28 Betavoltaics – The Next Generation
5:48 Betavolts Claims
8:14 Does It Live Up To The Hype?
10:31 The Verdict

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