FINALLY! NBD's Nuclear Battery Runs More Than 28,000 years -

FINALLY! NBD’s Nuclear Battery Runs More Than 28,000 years

Tech Life
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Nuclear Diamond Battery, Diamond Battery, Battery Breakthrough, Nano Diamond Battery, Nuclear Waste Battery, 28,000 Year

As if the concept of nuclear batteries couldn’t sound any crazier, the ones that might one day find their way into our phones and cars would actually be made of artificial nanodiamonds.___ One of the leading companies working on this technology is NDB, “Nano Diamond Batteries.”___ To say that the technology that underpins these nanodiamond batteries is complicated would be an understatement. In the most basic language, radioactive elements are removed from nuclear waste and encased in diamonds using chemical vapor deposition. The diamond then turns the radiation into electricity by acting as a transducer
