Elon Musk Shocks World With A Nuclear Diamond Batteries - buyndb.com

Elon Musk Shocks World With A Nuclear Diamond Batteries

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Elon Musk Shocks World With A Nuclear Diamond Batteries

In this present day, most of the electronic gadgets that humans use might not work without one important component. So vital to the functioning of gadgets like phones, tablets, laptops, that they wouldn’t function without it. These important components are called batteries but no matter the form they come in, their performance tends to depreciate overtime. However that is about to be a thing of the past as some scientists have just claimed to have developed a special type of battery that lasts for more than 28,000 years. What was the thinking behind this revolutionary invention and how does it work? This video will tell you all that.

All information in this video I do not claim to be truth, and are just theories. I am not intending to slander or discredit any persons mentioned. These are my criticisms and stories based upon information found on the internet. All actions mentioned in this video i do not condone nor do I promote.