28000 വർഷം വരെ ബാറ്ററി ലൈഫ് ഓ??| NDB battery Explained in Malayalam🔥🔥🔥 - buyndb.com

28000 വർഷം വരെ ബാറ്ററി ലൈഫ് ഓ??| NDB battery Explained in Malayalam🔥🔥🔥

Amritha M L
Views: 1087
Like: 48
This video explains about a futuristic technology battery,Nano Diamond Battery.The battery is being developed by the company NDB .It is made from the nuclear waste that is harmful for nature .It is covered with a diamond shell,which provides a battery life of 28000 years .that means this need not be charged in a human life time it can be used on gadgets and electric vehicles and appliances.All explained in Malayalam